Function Arguments Example Result Additional Information Sample # Sample Text
ABS numbers_as_array "=ABS(F4)" 62 23 Hello World
AVERAGE values_as_array "=AVERAGE(F4:F14)" 46.92307692307692 Synonym:?AVG 45 True
CEILING numbers_as_array "=CEILING(F4:F14)" 62108200361799100 62 False
COUNT html_as_string "=COUNT(F2:F14)" 13 108 To High
DAYSFROM url_as_string "=DAYSFROM(2009,4,15)" 34 200 To Low
DOLLAR numbers_as_array "=DOLLAR(F13)" $55.00 36 Perfect
FALSE "=IF(F4 < 100, TRUE(), FALSE())" TRUE 17 number
FIXED number, decimals, noCommas? "=FIXED(F4+F14)" 41.00 Two decimal places 99 numbers_as_array
FLOOR numbers_as_array "=FLOOR(F4-F5)" -46 Synonym: INT 100 values_as_array
HYPERLINK "=HYPERLINK("", "jQuery's website")" #VALUE!: undefined -100 html_as_string
IF IF(logical_test, value_if_true, value_if_false) "=IF(F12 < 100, TRUE(), FALSE())" TRUE Can have nested IF functions. -14 url_as_string
IMG "=IMG("")" The url can be sensitive to numbers. Also, on initial
load, because the image doesn't really have a size, the
outerheight can be distorted. An easy way to offset this
is to have some text in front of it that's taller than the
image :).
55 values
MAX values_as_array "=MAX(F3:F13)" 200 -21
MIN values_as_array "=MIN(F3:F13)" -100
N numbers_as_array "=N(F3)" 45
PI "=PI()" 3.141592653589793 If you use "=PI" it will return the actual function as text, which is incorrect. Use "=PI()".
TODAY "=TODAY()" Mon May 03 2010 16:32:47 GMT-0400 (Eastern Daylight Time)
SUM values_as_array "=SUM(F2:F13)" 631
ROUND numbers_as_array "=ROUND(1.6)" 2
RAND "=RAND()" 0.8797415730257574 Synonym: RND
Advanced Functionality Example Result Additional Information
Direct Javascript "=jQuery.sheet.version" 1.1.0 The character '=' simply starts a
reference to javascript. The example here
interacts with the jS (or jQuery.sheet)
object and calls a function that
returns it's current version.
Math.PI "=Math.PI" 3.141592653589793 The Math function here is actually the
javascript Math function. So in a since, you
are writing javascript from the sheet.
Cell Navigation Result Dependancy Synonym
Left Arrow Active cell moves left if possible. jQuery.sheet.evt.cellClick() jS.evt.cellClick()
Right Arrow Active cell moves right if possible. jQuery.sheet.evt.cellClick() jS.evt.cellClick()
Up Arrow Active cell moves up if possible. jQuery.sheet.evt.cellClick() jS.evt.cellClick()
Down Arrow Active cell moves down if possible. jQuery.sheet.evt.cellClick() jS.evt.cellClick()
Escape Active cell is removed from focus. jQuery.sheet.evt.cellEditAbandon() jS.evt.cellEditAbandon()
Enter Starts in-place edit / Active cell moves
down if possible.
jQuery.sheet.evt.formulaKeyDown() jS.evt.formulaKeyDown()
Ctrl + Enter Ends in-place edit / Active cell moves
down if possible.
jQuery.sheet.evt.formulaKeyDown() jS.evt.formulaKeyDown()
Tab Active cell moves right if possible. jQuery.sheet.evt.cellClick() jS.evt.cellClick()
Feature Info Dependancy
jQuery.sheet is Re-sizable! Click and drag on the cell Id bars, and it will
resize the row.
jQuery.sheet.evt.barMouseDown jS.evt.barMouseDown
Charts Click the "Charts" above for more info. jGCharts plugin
Auto Scroll When you navigate to a cell the
spreadsheet pane automatically scrolls to
jQuery.sheet.evt.scrollBars() jS.evt.scrollBars()
Multi cell select If you drag your mouse over a range of
cells, it will select them for you. You can
use this to change their style.
jQuery.sheet.evt.cellOnMouseDown() jS.evt.cellOnMouseDown()
Multi cell select from cell Id bars Double click on the mouse Id bars and it
will select the range of cells associated
with it.
jQuery.sheet.cellSetActiveMultiColumn() or
Add Row Adds a row to the bottom of your spreadsheet. jQuery.sheet.controlFactory.addRow() jS.controlFactory.addRow()
Insert Row Inserts a row just below the currently selected row. jQuery.sheet.controlFactory.addRow() jS.controlFactory.addRow()
Add Multi Row Adds multiple rows to the end of the spreadsheet. jQuery.sheet.controlFactory.addRowMulti() jS.controlFactory.addRowMulti()
Delete Row Deletes the currently selected row. jQuery.sheet.deleteRow()
Add Column Adds a column to the last column of the spreadsheet. jQuery.sheet.controlFactory.addColumn() jS.controlFactory.addColumn()
Insert Column Insert column just after the currently selected column. jQuery.sheet.controlFactory.addColumn() jS.controlFactory.addColumn()
Add Multi Column Adds multiple columns to the last column in the spreadsheet. jQuery.sheet.controlFactory.addColumnMulti() jS.controlFactory.addColumnMulti()
Delete Column Delete the currently selected spreadsheet. jQuery.sheet.deleteColumn()
Style cells Cells are styleable. jQuery.sheet.cellStyleToggle()
Support of jQuery UI theme You make the spreadsheet look like you want.
Pick your theme here:
jQuery UI Theme / jQuery.sheet.themeRoller
Sheet Title The table's "title" attribute
Chart Type Example Chart Notes Sample Data Sample Legends
Simple Vertical Bar Chart "=CHART.BAR(E2:E11)" Each of the char types accepts the following variables in this order:

*Values - as array (ie "a1:a2") or jagged/multidimensional arrays (ie "[a1:a2, b1:b2]")
*Legend - as array from string (ie "['First Legend Label', 'Second Legend Label']") or from cell values (ie "a1:a2")
*Axis Labels - as array, similar to legend
*Height as integer
*Width as integer

EXAMPLE: =CHART.BAR(a1:a2, "Sales", "2009", 100, 100)
1 Nov 2000
Simple Horizontal Bar Chart "=CHART.BARH(E2:E11)" One thing to note about dynamic images it that column sizing can get a bit messed up. 2 Dec 2001
Simple Stacked Vertical Bar Chart "=CHART.SBAR(E2:E11)" 3 Jan 2002
Simple Stacked Horizontal Bar Chart "=CHART.SBARH(E2:E11)" 4 Feb 2003
Simple Line Chart "=CHART.LINE(E2:E11)" 5 Mar 2004
Simple Pie Chart "=CHART.PIE(E2:E11)" 7 May 2005
Advanced Simple Vertical Bar Chart "=CHART.BAR(E2:E7, ['Dec 2008 Sales' , 'Jan 2009 Sales', 'Feb 2009 Sales', 'Mar 2009 Sales', 'May 2009 Sales', 'June 2009 Sales'])" 7 June 2006
Advanced Horizontal Bar Chart "=CHART.SBARH([E2:E7, E2:E7, E2:E7, E2:E7, E2:E7], F2:F7, G2:G7, 350,200)" 7.5
Advanced Vertical Bar Chart "=CHART.BARH([G2:G7, G2:G7, G2:G7, G2:G7, G2:G7], i2:i7, H2:H7, 350,500)" 8
Advanced Line Chart "=CHART.LINE([[105.7,97.9],[108.1,101.6],[110.7,102.9],[111.0,93.7],[110.0,89.8],[109.0,90.7],












[164.7,166.3],[168.5,165.8]], ["Dec 2008 Sales" , "Jan 2009 Sales"])"
A bit more complicated :) 8.2
Inputs are for capturing fixed data, such as a drop down list (INPUT.SELECT), or a checkbox (INPUT.CHECKBOX)
Input Type Example Data Number Data String
Select List "=INPUT.SELECT(D3:D10)" 34 Lorem
Radio List "=INPUT.RADIO(E3:E10)" Lorem
-20 Proin
Checkbox "=INPUT.CHECKBOX(E3)" Lorem
123 Aliquam
Get Select List Value "=INPUT.SELECTVAL(C3)" 4 123 Quisque
Get Radio List Value "=INPUT.RADIOVAL(C4)" Donec 4 Aliquam
Get Checkbox Value "=INPUT.CHECKBOXVAL(C5)" Lorem 534456 Vivamus
Detect if Checkbox is Checked "=INPUT.ISCHECKED(C5)" FALSE 3 Etiam
1 Donec
Option Description Default Value
urlGet local url, if you want to get a sheet from a url documentation.html
urlSave local url, for use only with the default save for sheet save.html
editable bool, Makes the jSheetControls_formula & jSheetControls_fx appear true
urlMenu local url, for the menu to the right of title menu.html
newColumnWidth int, the width of new columns or columns that have no width assigned false
title html, general title of the sheet group null
inlineMenu html, menu for editing sheet null
buildSheet bool, string, or object
bool true - build sheet inside of parent
bool false - use urlGet from local url
string - '{number_of_cols}x{number_of_rows} (5x100)
object - table(s)
calcOff bool, turns calculationEngine off (no spreadsheet, just grid) false
log bool, turns some debugging logs on (jS.log('msg')) false
lockFormulas bool, turns the ability to edit any formula off false
colMargin int, the height and the width of all bar items, and new rows 18
fnBefore fn, fires just before jQuery.sheet loads function () { }
fnAfter fn, fires just after all sheets load function () { $(".colorPickerCell").colorPicker().change(function () {jS.cellUndoable.add(jS.obj.cellHighlighted());jS.obj.cellHighlighted().css("background-color", $(this).val());jS.cellUndoable.add(jS.obj.cellHighlighted());}); $(".colorPickerFont").colorPicker().change(function () {jS.cellUndoable.add(jS.obj.cellHighlighted());jS.obj.cellHighlighted().css("color", $(this).val());jS.cellUndoable.add(jS.obj.cellHighlighted());}); $(".colorPickers").children().eq(1).css("background-image", "url('pics/icons/palette.png')"); $(".colorPickers").children().eq(3).css("background-image", "url('pics/icons/palette_bg.png')"); }
fnSave fn, default save function, more of a proof of concept function () { jS.saveSheet(); }
fnOpen fn, by default allows you to paste table html into a javascript prompt for you to see what it looks likes if you where to use sheet function () { var t = prompt("Paste your table html here"); if (t) { jS.openSheet(t); } }
fnClose fn, default clase function, more of a proof of concept function () { }
joinedResizing bool, this joins the column/row with the resize bar false
boxModelCorrection int, attempts to correct the differences found in heights and widths of different browsers, if you mess with this, get ready for the must upsetting and delacate js ever 2
Hosted By: Visual Interop Development
jQuery.sheet jQuery.sheet - The Web Based Spreadsheet
Version 1.1.0
Written By Robert Plummer
Written Using Notepad++
Compressed Using YUI Compressor
Compatibility Firefox 3, IE 7 & 8, Chrome, Safari
Consulting Services Visual Interop Development
Issues #VALUE!: undefined
Need a feature or support? Tell Me

Buy my a couple gallons of gas :)