CREDITS: 2007/03/19 This software is developed mainly by Arca (, a Free Software development group from Brazil: - Luis Fagundes, developer and mantainer - Alexandre Freire and Christian Asmussen, the java masters! :-) - Fernando Freire, physical modeling - David Horat developed image nodes - Renato Lopes designed the logo - Pedro Saito designed the Morcego poster for Wikimania 2005 - Fabio Mathias helped me fix a bug - Everybody from Arca who tests the software and sends sugestions Special thanks for the TikiWiki community who inspired this software and tests it. There were also hired developers from - Devapi D. wrote an initial code example from which the project could be started. - Ales Pucelj fixed the problem with XmlRpcClient that wouldn't allow applet to run in browser. (v0.3) Sponsors - Carlos Seabra paid the initial code example from Devapi D. - Sight Educacao & Comunicacao sponsored most of the development of version 0.3